How IT works

step 1

First thing is we’re gonna need a downpayment for your bean delivery vessel. This could be a dump truck or tractor trailer of some sort, we’re still working that part out, but in short, you will be your own boss. You will be “he who bequeath the beans.” Your power will know no bounds, and if you decide you’d no longer like to be a bean lord, we’ll take the vehicle off your hands and add it to our rental bean fleet (not yet available in North America)

Step 2

You will learn the 3 B’s of Beans. The first B stands for “Beans.” If you didn’t get that one, the door’s right over there. The second B stands for “Boil Your Bean Hose.” This is the hose that you will be using to syphon the beans into the homes of unsuspecting individuals. Sanitation is of upmost importance here at Rebean, so don’t forget the second B. The third B stands for “Be Your Own Boss.” At Rebean, you’ll be your own boss, which means you’ll be finding clients, selling our product and receiving the full blunt of pressure from corporate.

Step 3

Once you’ve found a sucker that you can offload any amount of beans onto, direct them to this website where they can learn the sensual pleasures delivering massive quantities of beans, nationwide for the low low down payment of a tractor trailer semi.